Exporting your contacts from Top Producer into the Happy Grasshopper system is super easy. So easy even your boss could do it, we're kidding - of course your boss can do it (or do we really mean "can't" let's see who's paying attention...).

Just follow these steps below. You can then email your contacts to [email protected], just make sure that you send them from the email address associated with your account. This helps us to verify your identity.
Use this link for instructions on exporting contacts from Top Producer 8i
Export contacts from Top Producer 8i
How to export contacts from Top Producer 7i
- Go to the setup menu and select data transfer/conversion, then select export data.
- Select Export all contacts.
- Then select the columns you’d like to export.
- Select the preferred location to save your file.
- You can then open the file, delete any contacts you don’t wish to import and email the file to [email protected].
Let us know if you need any help – use the chat at the bottom of the page or call us at 727.232.9117!