Terms and Conditions for "200% ROI Guarantee"

January 21, 2024

This program has been designed exclusively for hgPRO™ and hgPLATFORM™ subscribers, with the aim of ensuring commissions exceeding the subscription cost.

1. Eligibility:

Only those subscribed to hgPRO™ or hgPLATFORM™ are eligible for this program. Activation of the subscription and completion of the first payment are prerequisites for participation.

In addition, clients must be fully onboarded to Happy Grasshopper®, which includes completion of all steps in the onboarding funnel as well as enabling automation.

2. Calculation Period:

The Return on Investment (ROI) will be evaluated over a period of 365 days, starting from the date of the initial payment.

3. ROI Value Generation Tracking:

Value creation will be determined based on the KPI Tracking document shared by your Success Coach.

You agree that to be eligible for a refund you must update the tracking document a minimum of 1 times per month and that the data you report reflects your true performance. Happy Grasshopper reserves the right to independently verify your reported sales results. 

4. ROI Value Calculation (“Total Value”):

For hgPRO™ and hgPLATFORM™ accounts without Custom Recruitment Content:

-      ROI is calculated based on the GCI (Gross Commission Income) generated per transaction closed.

-      For example, a client may earn a gross commission for the buy/sell/lease/investment/referral of a real property transaction resulting in a commission of $10,000.00. Provided a party to the transaction (buyer, seller, lessor/lessee, investor, referral source) has received messaging from your Happy Grasshopper account, that transaction will be included in calculating ROI. 

For hgPRO™ and hgPLATFORM™ accounts with Custom Recruitment Content:

-      ROI is calculated based on the GCI (Gross Commission Income) generated per transaction closed and the Team and/or Brokerage and/or Brand commission earned by agents recruited.

-      For example, a client may recruit an agent to their team, brokerage, or brand, and that agent may may earn a gross commission for the buy/sell/lease/investment/referral of a real property transaction resulting in a commission of $10,000.00. Provided that agent has received recruitment messaging from your Happy Grasshopper account, or that agent is sending content from an hgPLATFORM™ account, that transaction will be included in calculating ROI.

-      Minimizing portfolio taxes represents savings on dividends and interest. It's derived from the sum of 1)non-qualified dividends multiplied by the client’s marginal income tax rate and 2) qualified dividends multiplied by the client’s qualified dividends tax rate.

5. Refund Eligibility:

If the ratio of Total Value to Fees paid is found to be less than two at the end of the 365 days, clients are deemed eligible for a refund.

For example, a client may sign up for hgPRO™ and pay the $7,500 annual fee. That would imply a minimum value creation threshold of ($7,500 x 2) = $15,000 for Happy Grasshopper to deliver the client. Per the terms outlined in Part 4, if the Total Value is less than $15,000, then the client would be eligible for a refund, per the instructions outlined below. 

6. Refund Calculation:

The refund amount is the difference between the fees incurred by clients and the "expected fee", which is half of the Total Value.

For example, using the methodology in Step 4, Happy Grasshopper generates $35,000 of Total Value over a twelve-month period. The client subscribed for the annual plan of hgPRO™, which costs $7,500 for the twelve months of service. At the end of the 365-day period, Happy Grasshopper compares Total Value versus total cost. Since $35,000 is greater than ($7,500 x 2) = $15,000, then the client has received sufficient value and is not eligible for a refund.

On the other hand, say Happy Grasshopper generates $11,000 of Total Value over a twelve-month period. The client subscribed for the annual plan of hgPRO™, which cost $7,500 for the twelve months of service. At the end of the 365-day period, Happy Grasshopper compares Total Value versus total cost. Since Total Value is less than ($7,500 x 2), the refund is calculated as $7,500 - ($11,000 / 2), resulting in a refund of $2,000 to the client. This would make the “adjusted fee” for the prior twelve-month period equal to $5,500, which equates to a 2.0 ratio between the Total Value and the fees paid by the client.

7. Refund Process:

Eligible refunds will be credited to the client's credit card or by check within 30 days after the completion of the 365-day assessment period. 

8. Modifications & Termination:

Happy Grasshopper reserves the right to modify or discontinue the ROI Program. Any modifications will be communicated to subscribers, ensuring those currently enrolled are not impacted in terms of ongoing refund calculations.

9. Queries and Communication:

For questions or concerns about the ROI Program, clients are encouraged to contact success@happygrasshopper.com 

10. Consent:

Upon subscribing to Happy Grasshopper and opting into the ROI Program, clients agree to these terms and acknowledge that the refund methodology is predetermined. Modifications to this structure by individual clients are not permitted.