Simplify your follow-up with Chirp

There's low inventory, then there is no inventory
We help, you solve the "zero inventory" problem,
you're the hero — the way it should be.

Watch the replay of the webinar and prepare for a mind
blowing moment courtesy of Chirp™

Get Listings and get ahead of the competition with Chirp™
It's simple, we help you solve the low inventory problem Quickly, easily and affordably. 

You can attract profitable agents, who are a joy to work with and truly appreciate you, by helping them double down on the relationships with people who are already in their lives. The bonus, higher agent retention and easier recruiting.

When your agents started their real estate careers, they imagined how amazing it would feel to help people. They had visions of smiling clients, joyously embracing one another as you handed them the keys. As a Broker you imagined helping your agents achieve this dream. 

Instead, you find yourself on a thrill ride you never imagined. Pandemic panic, then boom - the market takes off, and the inventory dries up. People want to move, but there is no where to go. Your agents are frustrated, their clients are frustrated. You're going to be their hero.

Looking around your office, you'll once again be proud and inspired by the success your agents are having. You'll give them the gift of effective lead and contact nurturing.

Help them build a business that serves them, even when they are committed to serving others. The big surprise, it's easy, affordable and delivers leads without complicated systems and huge cost. How?

By helping your agents cultivate and nurture meaningful connections with the people already in their lives, like their friends, family, past clients, and sphere of influence. For you, you nurture the vendors you work with, and the agents you have and those you want to recruit.

What you need is a brokerage wide solution that organizes those relationships and provides an effective annual communication plan.  Chirp™ is that framework and it's even easier than you hope it will be...

Five Key Message Types

Happy Grasshopper has delivered hundreds of millions of messages for real estate professionals for over 10 years, we know how to get you the results you want, when you need them the most.  
With Chirp™ for Brokerages we take everything we've learned and puts it in one simple system.

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Type 1: Email every three weeks

There's an old truth in business: Consistency Equals Professionalism. With LCA Nurture™, you'll never drop the ball or let a relationship drift away again. Our system will prompt you when it's time to send a new message. Simply login and choose, or set it to automatic and we'll pick a message for you.


Type 2: Birthday texts and voicemails

For a lot of people, Facebook has erased the ability to make an impact with birthday greetings. With LCA Nurture™, we recommend sending a birthday text a week or more before their birthday, and then we automatically deliver your ringless voicemail birthday message on the big day.


Type 3: Transaction anniversary texts and voicemails

The anniversary of your client buying or selling a home is a big deal. When LCA Nurture™ makes it effortless to send messaging, there's no excuse for missing this opportunity to make an impact. Every month, we'll remind you of who is having an anniversary and queue messaging for you. 


Type 4: Quarterly lead harvesting messages

Once each quarter, we'll queue a special type of high-response messaging that leads directly to sales opportunity. In fact, you'll learn there's one magic question you can use in conversation, in P.S. lines, in text and in voicemail drops that nearly always produce a positive response.


Type 5: Holiday messages

Holidays are a special time of the year and a fantastic time to reach out to reach out to your database to let them know that you are thinking of them. Select up to 6 holidays to send  a text messages and/or voicemail drop with a special holiday greeting to show you care. 

About Happy Grasshopper,
(The Creators of Chirp™)

Since 2011, Happy Grasshopper has been serving the real estate community. Over 12,000 agents, 100s of millions of messages, and billions of data points have gone into shaping the messaging inside Chirp™.

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A Note from our Founder


Thank you for your interest in Chirp™! All of us at Happy Grasshopper feel privileged to serve the real estate community. Since 2011, we've started thousands of conversations that have led to billions in transactions for our members.

In Chirp™, we've combined the very best parts of our messaging strategies in an easy to use application that will keep you on track all year long. You're going to love it!


Dan Stewart, CEO
Happy Grasshopper