What if ONE EMAIL Resulted in $2mil in Sales? Ours Do.

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Do your emails get results like these?

Agent Randall Was Surprised, Again!
Agent Randall Was Surprised

Meet Chirp™

Join The Waiting List to Receive Your Invitation

Your past clients and sphere are priceless. Take better care of them with Chirp™'s 41 touch campaign, including email, text, and ringless voicemail.

Get Results

when you send a happy grasshopper message

Send this message to your sphere and past clients, and watch the results.

Agent Randall Was Surprised, Again!
Agent Randall Was Surprised

The Metrics

This is what Randall posted in his company Facebook Group
ONE EMAIL = $1.5MM - $2MM in Opportunity

How about more?

the results keep coming...

See what happened when Sue sent this message

Sue had results when she sent this message

The Metrics

Do you get open rates like these?

Sue Had High Open Rates with Happy Grasshopper and Chirp

Terrific Texts and Voicemail Messages

For Best Results, Send Text and Voicemail in Combination

NOTE: It's rude to send a mass text at a time when you're not available for replies. Schedule your messages to go out when you have time to engage instantly.


Birthday Messaging

Send this text about a week BEFORE their birthday:

Hey {{c.first_name}}!– it's {{u.first_name}} {{u.last_name}}. Am I the first to wish you a Happy Birthday this year? ? I hope so! Do you have any plans?

And this ringless voicemail drop ON their birthday:

Hey, it's me (your first and last name). Happy Birthday! I just wanted to say hi on your special day. Let's catch up soon! Bye!


Transaction Anniversaries

Your past client transaction dates are stored in your MLS or transaction management system. Automate this TEXT message for delivery and expect replies:

Hey {{c.first_name}}– it's {{u.first_name}} {{u.last_name}}.  Happy Home-iversary! How are you?

And automate this ringless voicemail drop:

(Hello/Hey there/Hi/) it's me (your name) and I'm calling because this month is the anniversary of buying your home. Congratulations! I hope you're loving it and I'd love to catch up soon. Call me at (your number). Thanks. Bye!


Send Quarterly Lead Harvesting Messages

Set appointments, get referrals, find the gold hiding in your database with texts like this:

It's {{u.first_name}}. Do you have a few minutes this week? I could really use your help with something important.

And deliver YOUR actual voice with ringless voicemail drops like this:

(Heyyyyy / Hi / Hello / Heyo) it's me, (your first and last name) and I'm calling because I was just thinking about you the other day. I hope things are going well for you and would love to hear an update from you. Let's talk soon! Call me!

Four Key Message Types

Happy Grasshopper has delivered hundreds of millions of messages for real estate professionals.
Chirp™ takes everything we've learned and puts it in one simple system.


Type 1: Email every three weeks

There's an old truth in business: Consistency Equals Professionalism. With Chirp™, you'll never drop the ball or let a relationship drift away again. Our system will prompt you when it's time to send a new message. Simply login and choose, or set it to automatic and we'll pick a message for you.


Type 2: Birthday texts and voicemails

For a lot of people, Facebook has erased the ability to make an impact with birthday greetings. With Chirp™, we recommend sending a birthday text a week or more before their birthday, and then we automatically deliver your ringless voicemail birthday message on the big day. 


Type 3: Transaction anniversary texts and voicemails

The anniversary of your client buying or selling a home is a big deal. When Chirp™ makes it effortless to send messaging, there's no excuse for missing this opportunity to make an impact. Every month, we'll remind you of who is having an anniversary and queue messaging for you. 


Type 4: Quarterly lead harvesting messages

Once each quarter, we'll queue a special type of high-response messaging that leads directly to sales opportunity. In fact, you'll learn there's one magic question you can use in conversation, in P.S. lines, in text and in voicemail drops that nearly always produce a positive response.

Here’s What People are Saying :

Randall Martin

Team Leader

Four sides and $2mm in sales from just one message!

"Not kidding... just got a second response from a client that closed in 2017 that's been talking about moving (I had no idea they had the itch.)

If both these pan out, we're talking between $1.5MM - $2MM turnarounds. Not bad for ONE email!"

Cassidy Chau


My first reply in just 12 minutes!

"I setup 3 contacts to test it, sent an email at 3:57 and got my first reply at 4:10. Amazing!"

Her contact said, "Hey there! Just caught this from you in my gmail! I know it's from a list, but it was cool to see and hope you and the family are doing well!"

Chance Brown

Broker Owner

Win more business and create awesome opportunities!

"This will help us stay in touch with past clients & sphere in a way that will win more business and create awesome opportunities. 

I'm delighted to offer this to all my agents!"

Chirp™ makes generating business from your past clients and sphere easy. Just load contacts who know you and trust these messages.

Here’s What People are Saying :

Randall Martin

Team Leader

Four sides and $2mm in sales from just one message!

"Not kidding... just got a second response from a client that closed in 2017 that's been talking about moving (I had no idea they had the itch.)

If both these pan out, we're talking between $1.5MM - $2MM turnarounds. Not bad for ONE email!"

Cassidy Chau


My first reply in just 12 minutes!

"I setup 3 contacts to test it, sent an email at 3:57 and got my first reply at 4:10. Amazing!"

Her contact said, "Hey there! Just caught this from you in my gmail! I know it's from a list, but it was cool to see and hope you and the family are doing well!"

Chance Brown

Broker Owner

Win more business and create awesome opportunities!

"This will help us stay in touch with past clients & sphere in a way that will win more business and create awesome opportunities. 

I'm delighted to offer this to all my agents!"

About Happy Grasshopper,
(The Creators of Chirp™)

Since 2011, Happy Grasshopper has been serving the real estate community. Over 12,000 agents, 100s of millions of messages, and billions of data points have gone into shaping the messaging inside Chirp™.

Dan gets you where you want to go with the power of Happy Grasshopper

What do you have to lose? Only time and touch with your contact.
Get your FREE Guaranteed Results Message to Send.

Happy Grasshopper