Submitted from: Jesse Sunday, March 21, 2011

I’m such a huge Happy Grasshopper fan.  I’ve seen some of your other testimonials and I wanted to add my 2 cents.

Like everyone else, I was a bit skeptical of whether it would actually work.  I really started to understand the power of keeping in touch and referral marketing from SendOutCards.  I just wasn’t sure that an email written by someone else could actually have the same impact as a card.

Here is what happend:

I uploaded 30 contacts as part of my free trial.  The first message I sent looked like this:

Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 2.08.14 PM

Little email BIG response

13 people responded immediately with things like this:

“TEEHEEheheheh ….that is so cute!  I think that I have said that quote a million times – on Thanksgiving Day!    You are so sweet to check in…I hope you and your family have a wonderful, loving family day tomorrow.”

and this

“Thank you for your Happy Thanksgiving wishes. We had a great day. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please send our best to Beth.”

I’ve had 7 emails go out since that one.  They have been about everything from New Year’s resolutions to having a disaster plan.  People respond to every message that is sent and it makes it easy for me to get conversations started with them.

I now have hundreds of contacts loaded into the system and I am continuing to grow my list.

The best part, I’ve gotten 3 referrals that I know would not have come my way if I hadn’t been staying in front of folks.

You guys are awesome – everyone should try this.


About the Author Happy Grasshopper

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