Do your email campaigns
get results like these?

Copyright © 2018 Happy Grasshopper, LLC.

$90,000 in commissions
from old, dead leads

Brent Dalley

$3 million in listings in her first 60 days

Katie Maxwell

Met her annual recruiting goal in just 2 months

Sara MacClennan

Then we should talk.

People hire agents they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST. Unfortunately, canned email follow-up can make you seem like a robot, or worse– just another salesperson in search of their next commission.

Your clients deserve to work with an incredible real estate agent and you deserve incredible results from your follow-up system.

Who you are matters! Real estate agents are NOT all the same!

Happy Grasshopper helps you stand out. We get to know you as a person, so that we can help everyone in your database get to know you too. We help them see you as a human being, and help you start conversations. Why? Because conversations come before contracts!

Let’s find out what we can do for you.

We do things differently at Happy Grasshopper.

For example, we sincerely care about doing a great job for you, specifically. That is why we partnered with RE/MAX and are giving you a FREE strategy session. Take our quick assessment and schedule yours today!

Schedule a Strategy Call