Putting the Happy in Happy Grasshopper
There are lots of words we could use to describe Happy Grasshopper customer Craig Schaid–effusive, ebullient, energetic, and oh so many more–but shy and reserved certainly aren’t among them. A favorite ‘round these parts, Craig was kind enough to sit down and chat with me about Happy Grasshopper and why he thinks it’s the greatest thing since the RonCO rotisserie.
Craig Schaid is what you might call a “REALTOR’s REALTOR”. A consummate professional-about-town, he’s been a REALTOR® for more than 20 years and was recently chosen by Century21 to be their technology ambassador. A real estate professional with a hunger for success and the tools that will get him there, realistically, Craig was motivated to sign up with Happy Grasshopper because it was inexpensive and was so simple he thought, “There HAS to be something to this!”
“You just set it and forget it!” says Craig of Happy Grasshopper. “It’s the simplest thing I’ve found and I love it because it just WORKS.”
Craig, who hails from Alhambra, California, but who’s since relocated to Montgomery, Alabama (and who you’d never guess wasn’t a native south’ron, based on his easy-going charm and relaxed, languid drawl), has been a Happy Grasshopper customer for just over a year now and says he’s just pleased as punch with the service.
“I’m inundated day in and day out with super-techy shiny objects with tons of potential,” he mused. “The stuff that was getting shoved in my face was painful. PAINFUL! And the problem with almost everything was that it was so darned complicated! The potential was never realized. Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
The thing he likes about Happy Grasshopper is that it’s SIMPLE. When he first signed up for the service, he says that he was up and running and off to the races in under 30 minutes. He was psyched that he’d finally found something that didn’t require an IT professional to figure out. “I don’t even have to think about it,” he says. “The emails go out at just the right interval, clients respond, it keeps me top-of-mind for them. It’s easy peasy and it just WORKS.”
Then he told me a story that made him (and me!) smile. “I was at a party and ran into a friend of mine whose wife was also a REALTOR. This guy told me that, no matter what he tried, he couldn’t get his wife to sign up for the service because she didn’t know how to use it,” Craig laughed and said, “Man! There’s nothing to USE! I’ve been using Happy Grasshopper for about 8 months; there was a customer whose attention I’d been trying to get. He got one of their emails, called me, and had me list his residential home AND two investment homes. And that was 100% a result of Happy Grasshopper.”
Happy customers, yours and ours. That’s what Happy Grasshopper is all about.